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Back to ECAM System Display Overview


Number Name Variation Meaning
1 Landing elevation mode LDG ELEV AUTO The LDG ELEV is in AUTO.
Hidden The MODE SEL is in MAN position.
2 Landing elevation Green color The landing elevation is set in the FMGS.
Hidden The MODE SEL is in MAN position.
3 Cabin vertical speed Green color The cabin vertical speed is within normal operating range.
Amber color The vertical speed is greater than 2000 ft/min.
Pulsion The vertical speed is greater than 1800 ft/min, or hasn't reset yet (automatically resets at 1600 ft/min).
4 Cabin differential pressure Green color The cabin differential pressure is within normal operation range.
Amber color The cabin differential pressure is smaller than 0.4 psi, or greater 8.5 psi.
Pulse The cabin differential pressure is greater than 1.5 psi.
5 Cabin Altitude Green color The cabin altitude is within normal operations.
Red color The cabin altitude is above 9550 ft.
Pulsion The cabin altitude is at or above 8800 ft.
6 Active system indication Green SYS 1 or 2 The active system indication is active.
Amber SYS 1 or 2 The active system is faulty.
Green MAN The MODE SEL is in MAN.
7 Safety valve position White SAFETY and green diagram The safety valves are fully closed.
Amber SAFETY and amber diagram One of the safety valve is partially closed.
8 Outflow valve position Green diagram The valve is within normal operations.
Amber diagram The valve is open more than 95 % in flight.
9 VENT White color The ventilation is within normal operating range.
Amber color The ventilation has one of the following faults: BLOWER FAULT, EXTRACT FAULT, or AVNCS SYS FAULT.
10 Inlet and extract indications White color The inlet and extract indications are within normal operating range.
Amber color The inlet and extract indications has one of the following faults: BLOWER FAULT or EXTRACT FAULT
11 Inlet and Extract valve diagram Green and connected The inlet and extract valve is closed
Amber and connected The inlet and extract valve position is not coordinated with the control position.
Green and disconnected at 90° The inlet and extract valve is open
Amber and disconnected at 90° The inlet and extract valve position is not coordinated with the control position.
Amber color and diagonal to the left The inlet valve is in transit.
Amber color and diagonal to the right The outlet valve is partially open.
Amber XX The valve position is unavailable, or inconsistent data is received.

Last update: August 28, 2023